User Modeling and Learning Analytics

The Centre for Education and Learning aims to explore new directions for radical innovation of online and blended teaching and learning in Higher Education and build a sustainable Research Centre for the LDE partnership. LDE-CEL aims to collect evidence and document research and expertise in the area of digital higher education by combining the power of online learning with the advantages of face-to-face education in blended settings.

Forming a future vision for educational innovation is linked to core developments of digitalisation. Datafication builds the basis for collecting traces about learning and teaching activities and making use of them in Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for learning support. Digital literacy with all its facets as data literacy, tools literacy, or computational thinking is the human skillset needed in digital study environments to learn and to teach. Virtualisation opens new possibilities for hybrid learning environments and enables immersive learning experiences, remote collaboration as well as new forms of interaction with learning content, intelligent agents, and simulations. Based on these developments LDE-CEL has focused its research activities around the following core topics.

Data and AI Enhanced Learning

A new wave of AI applications have been developed in the last years based on the progress in Deep Neural Networks and Machine Learning approaches. The impact of these AI technologies on educational technologies is to be high considering the focus of personalisation of learning support, upscaling of assessment and formative review instruments.

Digital Literacy

Using data and digital tools defines the new instrumentarium of scientific work in nearly all disciplines. LDE-CEL develops programs in learning programming and development of digital and data skills from interdisciplinary perspectives.

Augmented and Virtual reality

Augmented and Virtual reality enable new forms of learning support enabling feedback in either real world situations as also the design of virtual experience and training environments.



  • Customizable learning analytics dashboards

    This project aims to understand how learners perceive and use dashboards so that we can build designs that fit learners’ needs

  • Learning analytics for goal-setting in online education

    In this project we explore how learning analytics can be used to support self-regulated learning in online learning environments

  • Multimodal learning analytics in CSCL

    MMLA in CSCL investigates the collaborative process and the learning outcome using multimodal learning analytics (MMLA) in a CSCL (computer-supported collaborative learning) practice e.g., knowledge building activities

  • EdX Log-data analysis and Dashboard tool

    Learning analytics can support teachers by providing statistics based on the data traces that students generate when interacting with online learning environments. MOOC platforms generate vast amounts of learner data, but it’s the teacher’s responsibility to obtain, prepare and analyse this data. ELAT is a browser-based, local processing tool that attempts to minimize the first two, so teachers and researchers can focus on analysis.

  • Multimodal feedback loop design for sustained attention.

    This project looks at diverse computer vision-based indicators of sustained attention in computer-mediated learning scenarios.

  • Learning from reading code.

    This project investigates programming education from a natural language perspective.

  • Formative assessment of computational thinking.

    With the vision to further promote CT, in this project, we plan to investigate the importance of CT in Higher Education, explore the relationship between CT skills and programming skills, build a model to formatively assess learners’ CT skills, identify automatable components, develop formative assessment system to enhance students’ CT competences.

  • Minecraft

    The goal of the Minecraft Virtual Campus is to boost social presence among TU Delft students and (re)familiarise them with their campus in a fun and engaging way.

  • Virtual reality and collaborative learning

    In this project we are studying how Virtual Reality (VR) can affect processes of Collaborative Learning in projects that focus on development.

  • Hololearn

    HoloLearn (Holographic Learning) project aims to stimulate richer social interactions in online/distance education between students and teachers by making use of holograms at TU Delft.

  • Educational networks and communities in the energy sector

    This project is aiming to understand the educational networks and communities, raise awareness about these networks and support them to grow.