
We offer students education that prepares them for a leading role in science and engineering of data-intensive systems. This includes sharing our passion for topics from distributed & decentralised systems, Blockchain technology, federated learning, and scalable data management. Below you find a list of all our teaching activities.

TU Delft students can find all information on education in Brightspace.

Bachelor courses
Course Code Course Name Nr of credits Instructor(s) Year Period
CSE1505 Information and Data Management 5 ECTS Dr. A. Katsifodimos, Dr. C. Lofi 3 3
CSE2430 Operating Systems 5 ECTS Dr. J. Decouchant, Dr. K. Atasu 3 3
Master courses
Course Code Course Name Nr of credits Lecturer(s) Period
CS4160 Blockchain Engineering 5 ECTS Dr. J.A. Pouwelse, Dr. J. Decouchant 4
CS4525 Web-Scale Data Management 5 ECTS Dr. A. Katsifodimos, Dr. C. Lofi 2
CS4545 Distributed Algorithms 5 ECTS Dr. J. Decouchant, Dr. J.A. Pouwelse 2
CS4550 Distributed Data Systems 5 ECTS Dr. A. Katsifodimos, Dr. K. Atasu 3
CS4725 Research Seminar on Scalable Learning Systems 5 ECTS Dr. K. Atasu, Dr. Y. Chen 4
Blockchain Certificate
Master Students can qualify for a Blockchain Engineering Certificate by taking the following:
  1. CS4520 - Security and Cryptography
  2. CS4545 - Distributed Algorithms
  3. CS4160 - Blockchain Engineering
Master Thesis

Master students who like to do their graduation thesis in DIS are encouraged to select at least two of the DIS-offered lectures.