Jiyue (Gill) Huang

Postdoctoral Researcher



Jiyue is a Post-doctoral researcher at the Data-Intensive Systems group under the joint guidance of Dr. Lydia Y. Chen, Dr. Fang Fang, and Dr Dion Bongaerts. Her current research is mainly focused in the area of attacks and defences in federated learning systems. Her broader work aim at buiding more robust and privacy-preserving multi-agent machine learning systems.

Current interests include:

  • Security for ML systems
  • Privacy for single-server/multi-server Federated Learning systems
  • Robustness for generative models


Picture of Jiyue (Gill) Huang

Visiting address:
Building 28
Room - 1.E.200
Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6
2628 XE Delft
The Netherlands